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Our Projects

Advancing Electoral and Constitutional Reforms in Uganda

With Support from International Republican Institute (IRI), Sensitise Uganda is collaborating with the National .../Read More.

Youth Civic Participation in Secondary Schools

With support from Voice, Sensitise Uganda implements a civic education project called “Youth civic participation in .../Read More.

Using election data for voter education and advancing electoral reforms in Uganda

Sensitise Uganda with support from International Republican Institute (IRI) is implementing a project that uses past .../Read More.

Popularising The Uganda Elections Data Portal (UEDP)

With support from The International Republican Institute (IRI), Sensitise Uganda popularises and trains political .../Read More.

Eye on the Ballot

With support from the International Republican Institute (IRI), Sensitise Uganda implements “Eye on the Ballot” project .../Read More.

Enhancing secondary school students’ civic participation through mock elections

Enhancing secondary school students’ civic participation through mock elections project is implemented with support .../Read More.

Amplifying adolescent girls’ and young women’s voices in Sexual Reproductive Health & HIV policies.

This project is implemented with support from Her Voice Fund (The HER Voice Fund is funded and supported by ViiV .../Read More.

Stories of Elevation

Under this program we use creative arts and sports to inspire, bring about change, create awareness, sensitise Ugandans .../Read More.